Parent Volunteer Group | South Hills Catholic Academy

Parent Volunteer Group

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4:10

Parent Volunteer Group

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We are an organization comprised of parent volunteers who develop and run many activities that greatly benefit our students and school. WE NEED YOU! 

Your participation and support is necessary and much appreciated. We can positively make a difference in the day-to-day activities with our students, parents and teachers. There are many volunteer opportunities to fit the busy lives of today's families and everyone's contributions are valued. We want South Hills Catholic Academy to be a family centered place and invite you to get involved to make your child's experience here a happy and memorable one.

How To Get Involved

If you would like to be involved with the Parent Volunteer Group (PVG), please contact Principal Harmony Stewart at or at 412-631-3131.

Please Note: Adult employees and volunteers (age 18 and older) who have regular contact with minors (under age 18) must complete a five-step process in which they undergo a background check to receive clearances, register in the diocese’s database and complete the Protecting God’s Children training program.

To begin the process of obtaining the clearances necessary to volunteer at South Hills Catholic Academy, please click here and follow the links under each step.  Thank you!

Register For School

If you would like to register your child please use the link below. Personal tours may be arranged by calling the school office at 412-631-3131. We look forward to welcoming you to the South Hills Catholic Academy family!
Register Now