Corpus Mens Anima
First and foremost, South Hills Catholic Academy is a Catholic school whose purpose is to lead its students to God by way of the truths they learn in the classroom. The children entrusted to our care pray often throughout the school day, practice the traditions and devotions of Roman Catholicism, and are taught the value and necessity of Christian service to others.
The goal of SHCA is to deliver excellence in Traditional Catholic education for 21st century learners. It is our mission to focus on the total development of each child....body, mind, and soul (corpus, mens, anima). That spirit of education is in our hearts, and it’s played out in our school every day. Every student is valued, learning is celebrated, faith is strengthened. We provide the challenging, advanced education that our children need, with Jesus Christ at the center of all we teach.
SHCA offers a unique educational and spiritual formation opportunity for the students in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. The Academy is founded on three key pillars that make it distinctive:
- Ensuring that a Catholic education is accessible to all children in the southern region of Pittsburgh, especially the growing immigrant population and those of modest means.
- Preparing students for higher education through a classical curriculum built on the foundation of a traditional education.
- Providing a rich spiritual formation with a vibrant sacramental and devotional life at the center of the school mission.
Additional information may be found on our Facebook page
@southcatholic. We may also be reached through the Contact page found