School Forms | South Hills Catholic Academy

Online Registration & School Forms

All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.
Isaiah 54:13

South Hills Catholic Academy Registration


Please note:  PreK, 2nd grade, and 6th grade are currently waitlisted for the 2025-2026 school year.  Please complete registration through OnCourse Connect to be added to the waitlist.


Online Registration for New SHCA Students

Please visit the New Student Registration Page to enroll.

Registration Fee

South Hills Catholic Academy requires a non-refundable registration fee of $100 per family be paid each year in order for your student(s) to be enrolled.  This amount will be deducted from the first tuition payment.  The registration fee may be paid herePlease note that enrollment for your student(s) is NOT complete until the $100 fee is paid.

Online Registration for Current SHCA Families

Please check your email for your username and password for our OnCourse registration system.  Be sure to check your spam/junk folder as well.  Once login information is received, current SHCA students may be registered here.  Only parent/guardians with email addresses currently in our system will receive login credentials.

If you are a current SHCA family who is also enrolling a NEW student, use the link above for any existing students, and visit the New Student Registration Page to enroll children who will be joining us for the first time.  Please do NOT use the New Student Enrollment page to register students who already attend SHCA.

Please note:  you may be asked to enter certain information a second time if you are also enrolling a new student.

Questions about the registration process?  Please email Mr. Godwin at


Additional School Documentation & Forms

The following are required for Registration at South Hills Catholic Academy to be complete:
  • Registration Form and Fee for Each Family
  • Tuition Agreement (provided by and completed with Principal)
  • Birth Certificate for Each Student (with intial registration)
  • Baptismal Certificate for Each Student (if applicable, with initial registration)

A Records Release Form is also required for new students entering grades 1-8. We prefer that it is submitted online through the link below:

Health Forms

The health forms below are required by the State of Pennsylvania and the Mt. Lebanon School District. They must be completed and turned in to the school office prior to the beginning of each school year.  If any information changes on any of the forms throughout the school year, please complete and submit new forms to the school office.

Student Health History
PA Department of Health Physical Form

Private Dentist Report

Authorization for Medication (if Applicable)


Information about the South Hills Catholic Academy Athletics Program may be found here.

Contact Us!

If you would like more information about South Hills Catholic Academy, please reach out through our Contact page.